Since last week, I have fully embraced the Eat for Life 6 week eating plan by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Last week I celebrated another birthday and I have started hearing a few more creaks and feeling a little more wobble and thought I would take a U-turn and do what intellectually I know is the best thing for me to do to stave off poor health outcomes and to possibly extend my life and quality of life.
The amount of fresh fruits and veggies that I am consuming along with healthy grains, nuts, and legumes is feeling insane - but I am never hungry. I've never been a really big meat fan and I am not missing the meat.
Have you tried this eating plan? What has been your experience? There are hundreds of YouTube videos on Eat for Life meals. What is your go to meal or favorite recipe? Please share.
I am just getting my blog started, please join the discussion.
- Cheryl